I've Got a Crush on You

Lyrics and music by Yehuda Carmel.

I've got a crush on you,
there's nothing I can do,
you are to me, a heaven here on earth,
just you can make my dream come true.

Why don't you give a clue,
so I won't be so blue,
which is the way to make you be all mine,
you see I've got a crush on you.

I sure don't know how it happened,
that you have stolen my heart.
I only know now it happened,
and we should never, never, never, never be apart.

I'll wait my whole life through,
until you'll tell me too.
You are to me, a heaven here on earth
and now I've got a crush on you.


Copyright © 2002-2025 Yehuda Carmel. All rights reserved.
2025-2002 כל הזכויות שמורות ליהודה כרמל ©